001 |
John Kirkham, Agness Wilson, and their five infant children |
002 |
Adam Drysdale and Isabella Kirkham with their children and grandson |
003 |
Ann Drummond, Eliza Cousin, and William Cousin |
004 |
Thomas Edward |
005 |
John and Helen Smith with their children William, Margaret, and John |
006 |
James Cusine and Agnes Hill |
007 |
Alexander Harley, Hellen Boss, and Watson Kirkham Drysdale |
008 |
Helen Drummond |
009 |
Adam Drysdale |
010 |
W. Messham |
011 |
William Boss and Margaret Graham |
012 |
Henry Morgan and Agnes Stocks with their son and their two grandchildren |
013 |
RH and MG |
014 |
Adam Drysdale Bennett and Christina McDonald |
015 |
LS and MM |
016 |
William Walls and Catharine Edward |
017 |
Toshack |
018 |
James Young and Helen Henderson |
019 |
Maggie Mercer, Henry Mercer, Jean Baird, and John Mercer |
020 |
Thomas Scotland |
021 |
D. Edward and M. Littlejohn |
022 |
Robert and Peter Alison |
023 |
AF and AD |
024 |
William Dick and Mary Middleton |
025 |
TE and TD |
026 |
Jenat, wife of James Edward |
027 |
AA, JL, and CH |
028 |
William Russell and Janet Cousine |
029 |
William Reid |
030 |
D. Clark |
031 |
James Stocks |
032 |
T.M. and C.C. |
033 |
Mary Bain |
034 |
James Harrower and Jean Campbell with their daughter Mary |
035 |
Robert Barrowman and Jean Fotheringham with their son and daughter-in-law |
036 |
Robert Gibson |
037 |
A.M. and A.W. |
038 |
Lillias Campbell and her children |
039 |
Peter Bain and Ann Wilson with their children |
040 |
Ann Reid and Jean Barrowman |
041 |
John Hardie and Isabella Cousin with their son |
042 |
J.W. and J.S. |
043 |
Andrew Fotheringham and Mary Forbes with their children |
044 |
R.F. and C.D. |
045 |
William and J. Cousin |
046 |
David Fotheringham and Janet Drysdale |
047 |
Thomas Drysdale and Ann Patton |
048 |
Jacobina Scotland Drysdale |
049 |
Margaret Stocks and Agnes Fotheringham |
050 |
John Gibson |
051 |
R.T. and E.H. |
052 |
Charles Lindsay |
053 |
John McLaren and Margaret Johnston |
054 |
D. Christie and A.F. |
055 |
W.K. and J.P.
056 |
J.T. and H.T.
057 |
Robert Tulloch and Janet Lawson
058 |
William Keir and Jane Peddie with their son
Andrew Keir
059 |
David Hunter and Janet Wardlaw with his son John Hunter
060 |
Maxwell and William Drummond |
061 |
R.H. and E.B. |
062 |
Elizabeth Stark |
063 |
Unknown |
064 |
James Gibson and Annie Toshick with their son James; Ann
Gibson; Jessie Wishart and Laurence Gibson; Robert Wilson |
065 |
I.H., M.A., I.H., and B.H. |
066 |
W.K., A.S., and M.K. |
067 |
John Thomson |
068 |
David Harley and Isabella Struth with their sons and daughters |
069 |
Robert Gentle |