The Old Saline Cemetery


The numbers below correspond to the entries for the Old Saline Cemetery in John Fowler Mitchell and Sheila Mitchell's Monumental Inscriptions (Pre-1855) in West Fife (Edinburgh:  Scottish Genealogy Society, 1972).

001 John Kirkham, Agness Wilson, and their five infant children
002 Adam Drysdale and Isabella Kirkham with their children and grandson
003 Ann Drummond, Eliza Cousin, and William Cousin
004 Thomas Edward
005 John and Helen Smith with their children William, Margaret, and John
006 James Cusine and Agnes Hill
007 Alexander Harley, Hellen Boss, and Watson Kirkham Drysdale
008 Helen Drummond
009 Adam Drysdale
010 W. Messham
011 William Boss and Margaret Graham
012 Henry Morgan and Agnes Stocks with their son and their two grandchildren
013 RH and MG
014 Adam Drysdale Bennett and Christina McDonald
015 LS and MM
016 William Walls and Catharine Edward
017 Toshack
018 James Young and Helen Henderson
019 Maggie Mercer, Henry Mercer, Jean Baird, and John Mercer
020 Thomas Scotland
021 D. Edward and M. Littlejohn
022 Robert and Peter Alison
023 AF and AD
024 William Dick and Mary Middleton
025 TE and TD
026 Jenat, wife of James Edward
027 AA, JL, and CH
028 William Russell and Janet Cousine
029 William Reid
030 D. Clark
031 James Stocks
032 T.M. and C.C.
033 Mary Bain
034 James Harrower and Jean Campbell with their daughter Mary
035 Robert Barrowman and Jean Fotheringham with their son and daughter-in-law
036 Robert Gibson
037 A.M. and A.W.
038 Lillias Campbell and her children
039 Peter Bain and Ann Wilson with their children
040 Ann Reid and Jean Barrowman
041 John Hardie and Isabella Cousin with their son
042 J.W. and J.S.
043 Andrew Fotheringham and Mary Forbes with their children
044 R.F. and C.D.
045 William and J. Cousin
046 David Fotheringham and Janet Drysdale
047 Thomas Drysdale and Ann Patton
048 Jacobina Scotland Drysdale
049 Margaret Stocks and Agnes Fotheringham
050 John Gibson
051 R.T. and E.H.
052 Charles Lindsay
053 John McLaren and Margaret Johnston
054 D. Christie and A.F.

W.K. and J.P.


J.T. and H.T.


Robert Tulloch and Janet Lawson


William Keir and Jane Peddie with their son Andrew Keir


David Hunter and Janet Wardlaw with his son John Hunter


Maxwell and William Drummond


R.H. and E.B.


Elizabeth Stark




James Gibson and Annie Toshick with their son James; Ann Gibson;  Jessie Wishart and Laurence Gibson; Robert Wilson


I.H., M.A., I.H., and B.H.


W.K., A.S., and M.K.


John Thomson


David Harley and Isabella Struth with their sons and daughters


Robert Gentle





Index of Graves

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